Many have asked Where does the name Phileo come from?
"Phileo" is the Greek word for brotherly love, the principle upon which our company is founded.
Also related to the word for friend in the Greek (philos), phileo defines the way in which we serve those that are apart of our team and those that we have the privilege to serve in our community.
We can assure you that you will not regret beginning a lifelong relationship with us serving your family in all your home air conditioning and comfort needs.
Our chief end as a company is to walk uprightly in the way we conduct ourselves in our community and build a dedicated team that is committed to excellence in HVAC service.
We strive to do this in 3 key ways:
1. Community in our team.
We want to build a team that treats one another like family. We desire to cultivate true community amongst the people that join with us in our work. We see those that come alongside of us as a part of our family, not just another replaceable cog in the system. We as a company and our leaders want to help those under our care to grow not only in the HVAC industry and in their skill but also as people. If this is something that you desire as well, contact us about how you can join our crew!
"The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime." Babe Ruth​
2. Community in our city.
Our desire is to treat those we serve as friends. We want to leave you with no doubts in your mind on the integrity, honesty, and capability we have to help in your home comfort needs. With the goal of walking along side you we seek to be your advocate and provide you with all the information you need to make the best decision for you and your family. We also recognize that we are human and will make mistakes sometimes so rest assured, if that does happen we will do everything we can to make sure we address the issue quickly and adequately. Whatever your HVAC needs are we will take care of you as a friend. We don't mistreat our friends.
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which gives value to survival."​ C.S. Lewis
3. Excellence in our work.
We are an HVAC company, it would be asinine for us to pursue all of these other goals without a quality of work to back it up. We are dedicated to training and equipping all of our team members to a level of excellence that cannot be surpassed. The standards that are typical in our world today have fallen far short of our call. Here at Phileo we scoff at the "good enough" mindset and at those that have no ambition or drive to pursue a mastery at their craft, for this is foolishness.
"Momma didn't raise no fool" Wet Willie 1975
*If you want to be apart of building a culture of community and excellence we would gladly invite you to submit a resume to:
Owner Jamison Forrester and family